You may or may not be aware of the social media trend of #artvsartist
I'm not sure how I feel about the trend. Certainly I found handpicking my top/favourite 8 to be a challenge. Shouldn't have favourites amongst your children, right?
I have some favourites that aren't necessarily.... photogenic. It may be that I screwed up the priming, or missed some mould lines, or could have done something or other much, much better. It may, however, still be a milestone in my painting- a first attempt at a skill that looks half decent, or just plain fun to paint.
I look back at some (ok, quite a few) minis with the knowledge I have now and feel the urge to strip them and do them better, but I won't. Not just because I'm lazy, but also because they are part of my year and my growth. It's not so much an art vs artist, they're not my shames (so I remind myself) but part of the journey. Just keep swimming.